Valentine’s day is just around the corner so that calls for an event. Whether you are a creator or a fan, this is something for everyone out there. We are giving out prizes for every major category on Oberon Kingdom. Event starts on 29 January and ends on 14 February. Let’s get right into it!

This quest for the valentine’s day event is for all the lovebirds out there.
Friday 14 February 2020 we will be giving prizes to the cutest couple on our discord server. Verification will be required through Instagram/Facebook privately with an admin on the server to ensure that both of you are real. The rules are very simple. Share with everyone what you lovebirds did for eachother starting now untill valentine’s day on the discord server (Keep it PG). Winners will be decided based on community votes (50%) and Admin votes (50%).
– Winning couple will both receive 15 Euro’s on Paypal
– Special role “Soul mates” and an emoji for the both of you on the server
– Custom champion skins for both, specially created for the winners
– A special Surprise!

If you don’t have someone to spend valentine’s day with, do not worry, we got you!
Enter the Loner’s Tower server and complete all the stages! There will be different questions and challenges on each floor on the discord server. Whoever reaches the top will be able to enter the giveaway bot to win all the prizes. More information will be available on Valentine’s Day.
– Winner receives 15 Euro’s on Paypal.
– Special Role “Looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend”
– A special Surprise!

Create a mod for League of Legends in Fantome for any of the following sections:
– Champions
– Maps
– Voiceover
– Interface
The winners will be decided based on the quality of post. You can make as many as you want. We will only look at your best mod when we decide the winners.
– 1st place receives any Epic skin by choice.
– 2nd place receives any 975 RP skin by choice.
– 3rd place receives a Mystery box.
This is only for NA, EUW or EUNE. If you want to learn how to create a custom skin, join our skins server on discord! https://discord.gg/rnxyFes

Create one of the following:
– Video: Create a special video. This can be as creative as you want it to be as long as it’s related to valentine’s day.
– Story: Write a story. This can be about anything, as long as it’s sweet, romantic or cute.
– Art: Draw something amazing in the Valentine’s day Theme. This can be anything, but keep it PG.
You can make as many as you want. We will only look at your best work when the admins decide the winner.
– Winner of the entire Life of Oberon section receives 10 Euro’s on paypal.
– Special Role on Discord for 1 month.

Create content related to valentines day in any game. Review a romantic movie, serie or anime. Or simply put together a playlist of 10 romantic songs on youtube, soundcloud or spotify. You can make as many as you want. We will only look at your best work when we decide the winner.
– Winner of the entire games, reviews and music section receives 10 Euro’s on paypal.
– Special Role on Discord for 1 month.
Kingsumo Giveaway
We are also doing a KingSumo giveaway worth of 20 Euro’s on paypal or in RP in League of Legends.
It is required to join us on discord to receive the prize: https://discord.gg/BtY8atd
There can only be unique winners for every section. So 1 person can not win multiple rewards (Except for the Custom Skins, these can be won together with any of the other prizes). Special thanks to Sislex for creating the graphics for this page! That is all for our Valentine’s Day event for 2020.
Leave a comment on what you think about this event. Join us on Discord!