To install Custom Skins for League of Legends you can use the open source app called LolCustomSkin Manager, created by Moonshadow565. On this page we will be guiding you through installing custom skins using this app.
How to install skins
1. Download any skin at
(Latest skins at

2. Download the latest release of LolCustomSkin Manager
Select the 32 or 64 version based on your PC.

3. Extract the file on your pc where you can easily access it. (You can extract the file using apps like Winrar)

4. Launch LCS Manager

5. The first time you launch it, you must select your Game folder. This is usually located at C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Game

6. Click on Install Fantome Mod

7. Select the Mod you downloaded at step 1

8. Tick the box in front of the Mod and click on Run

9. Once it’s running, it will say that it’s waiting for you to start a game.

10. Select the base skin (unless mentioned otherwise in the post) for champions. For Maps, HUD’s, VO’s, etc. you won’t have to do anything else.

11. Skin has been installed. Enjoy!

If you have trouble with installing skins, we can help you out on discord, so feel free to join the server!