This is a HUD I created back in 2016. Meanwhile the HUD has changes significantly so I still need to update it for 2020. But it works for now so enjoy!

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Discord: https://discord.gg/rnxyFes
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- Download Pool Party HUD 2016.
- Download the Fantome app from https://github.com/LoL-Fantome/Fantome/releases/
- Extract and Launch Fantome.
- Drag & Drop the skin onto Fantome (Or select add Mod).
- Start a game with Fantome still running.
- Enjoy the skin!
Fantome Video Guide
If you need help with installing, feel free to ask around on the Discord server. Leave comment on what you thought about this post or what you would like to see from us next.
Click on Oberon Kingdom to return to the main skins page.
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