I would like to share a story with all of you. It was during the summer of 2017. Rift Rivals took place in the LCS studio in Berlin. The event was very hype and exciting. I went there with a good friend of mine named Sandra. There were a lot of cosplayers present at the event, 1 particularly. A Xayah cosplayer. But it wasn’t an ordinary Xayah. It was a C9 Themed Xayah and it looked absolutely amazing. I took a picture of the cosplay. Here you can see what the picture looks like:

PsychoPine’s Social Media:
So after the event was over, I started talking to her about the cosplay and how amazing it was. I got the idea to turn this cosplay into an actual skin in game. She liked the idea, so the process to make this skin began. I asked Damonix for help with the textures of the skin (Check out his skins by clicking here) and they turned out amazingly. As you can see, the feathers on her shoulder are still Yellow. The reason for that is because the raptor feathers are still yellow, so we left that unchanged. That was storytime with PentaKing. Hope you enjoy this skin!
Download & Install

- Download C9 Xayah.
- Download the Fantome app from https://github.com/LoL-Fantome/Fantome/releases/
- Extract and Launch Fantome.
- Drag & Drop the skin onto Fantome (Or select add Mod).
- Start a game with Fantome still running.
- Enjoy the skin!
Fantome Video Guide
If you need help with installing, feel free to ask around on the Discord server. Leave comment on what you thought about this post or what you would like to see from us next.
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