Valorant Highlights Week #25 – Twitch Wins!!
This time, new tactics on valorant trying different stuff and remembering that sometimes you just have to play the default because once you risk it all, you might lose the round, and yes that happened on Valorant this week.
Valorant Highlights Week #24 – REYNA THE QUEEN!!
he most insane kills on Valorant. The mighty one-man army Reyna. in the clips, you will enjoy how Reyna manages to 1v5 with her abilities and skills.
Valorant Highlights Week #23 – Reyna Big Butt!!
Valorant gameplay for week #23 The most insane kills on Valorant. Valorant is finally live with the introduction of a new agent and a new map. Great highlight this week with the new agen Reyna!
Valorant Highlights Week #22 – BETA IS OVER!
Valorant gameplay for week #22 The most insane kills on Valorant. The end of the beta is near, let's watch the last plays before the beta ends.
Valorant – ODIN IS BUSTED Week #21
Valorant gameplay for week #21 The most insane kills on Valorant. Are you wondering what the best weapon in valorant is? well check the video cause the ODIN is destroying everyone!
Valorant – Best Kill Of Week 20
Valorant gameplay for week #20 The most insane kills on Valorant. This time a special one with a 15-year-old clutching one of the best players of our time Shroud in a 1v5. Big highlights and gameplay for this week. next week we are gonna have random players submit their videos to Valorant highlights. if you don't know how watch the video till the end
TFT Ep. 14 – Soraka healing full hp even with Healing Reduction :^)
TFT - Soraka Healing is insane
LoL Gameplay #1 – PentaKill Master Yi
LoL Gameplay #1 where I'm getting a pentakill with Master Yi while playing from behind.
Valorant Closed Beta – Playing the Tutorial
Let's go through the Valorant tutorial!
TFT Ep. 13 – Snipers going PEW PEW
TFT - Jhin shooting behind his meat shields! :^)
TFT Ep. 12 – 3 STAR KAYLE!!! (in neekoverse)
TFT - Kayle slapping those cheeks!