The Story
On 6 December 2016 I created beemo for fun and it became really famous when the most famous Teemo player iPav999 started playing this skin every game. I like to believe that Riot took this idea and created the “real” Beemo skin but a girl can dream :3 so I reuploaded this custom skin for those who still like to play the “original” Beemo skin ^^ I have meanwhile updated this skin and it’s now V2! Here is one of the games where Ivan played this skin:
Splash Art


Play with this amazing Beemo HUD created by Hyerina
Here is the changelog For V2.0:
– New splash art by Rujari!
– He is actually throwing a shroom now instead of a yellow blob
– Loading screen and HUD icons display beemo related graphics.
– Abilities are updated a bit to fit the bee theme more

Download & Install

- Download Beemo V2.0 or Beemo V1.1
- Download the Fantome app from
- Extract and Launch Fantome.
- Drag & Drop the skin onto Fantome (Or select add Mod).
- Start a game with Fantome still running.
- Enjoy the skin!
Fantome Video Guide
If you need help with installing, feel free to ask around on the Discord server. Leave comment on what you thought about this post or what you would like to see from us next.

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League of Legends is property of Riot Games®. All content presented here are property of their respective owners.
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for this. iPav is playing this skin only and seems to be really enjoying it. He has also linked this page in his channel and thats how i found you!
I have been watching his stream as well. Thank you for liking it <3
Hello, I have a problem where the skin model loads, but not the colors, so I have a weird beemo with base teemo’s color !
Hope you can help me, can’t wait to have this skin in my videos <3
Were you able to fix it I am also having the same problem.
change character resolution to very high in video settings and it will work normally 🙂
Hello . i cant use the Fantome app because im with windows 8.1 , how can i launch it ?
Fantome only works with Windows 10 and higher. You will need to upgrade your windows I am afraid.