This is my submission for the 2020 Valentine’s day event. I was supposed to work on this skin together with someone who would do the textures, but eventually he couldn’t work on it anymore. I decided to finish it anyway in time for the event. Because I didn’t have a lot of time, this skin has a few flaws. One of them is the orb that stays below her feet and the other is some minor rigging issues. I will fix these problems when i get time, but here is V0.9 for now ^^ Everything works fine however and I hope you will enjoy playing the skin as much as I do ^^ Special thanks to PentaKing for helping me out with the presentation and final touches to the skin :3

Download & Install

- Download Heartseeker Ahri V0.9.
- Download the Fantome app from
- Extract and Launch Fantome.
- Drag & Drop the skin onto Fantome (Or select add Mod).
- Start a game with Fantome still running.
- Enjoy the skin!
Fantome Video Guide
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Hi. I have installed Fantome and added some VoxSkins skins. The splashart of the skin that I downloaded (yours) appears on the loading screen, but when I enter the game, the character appears with the clothes of the skin but in another color. Also, the animations of the skills do not go according to the skin that I downloaded. Do you know how to fix it? Thank you.
Hi, Put the character graphics to very high in the settings and the skin should look fine. The skin isn’t complete from what I’m reading in the description, so the animations will look a bit weird. Message me (King of kings) on discord if you need more help 🙂